Saturday, April 14, 2012


Life is full of twists, turns, ups, downs, and everything in between. I felt the need to create this blog to share my life story, my experiences, my ups and downs. From an account of what has lead me to where I am today, through current experiences and beyond.

I decided to call this blog "confessions of a rich poor guy" because, up to this point, I have not been the richest man monetarily. I've worked hard, and been able to provide for my family all while giving Liselle (my sweet wife) the freedom to stay home with the kids if she so desired. All the while, having the worry of providing for my loved ones on a single, low income. We only had one car for our family for seven years. That little nugget alone made people ask us how we did it. The answer was always simple, "we can't afford a second car payment right now, so we just make due with what we have."

On the flip side of the poor guy comment, I truly feel so rich. No I don't eat steak for dinner every night, or drive a luxury sedan. We don't have a big screen TV. We don't have cable or satellite. What we do have is a family that loves each other and sticks together. We have our moments of course. Kids act out, stress builds, and we get upset. All in all, we have some of the greatest treasures known to man. Up until recently, I've longed for a profession that gave me fulfillment. I worked many hours, learned new things, and was professional in all I did. Still, I was missing that sense of having helped someone who really benefited from what I did. Through all those years, I finally came to the realization that I did actually help others. My family.

So let the journey begin. All I hope to accomplish through this blog is to help just one person to know that they matter. That even though you may feel lost, alone, undervalued, or just get down from time to time; you are worth something beyond dollar value. As you join in this journey with me, the more we will discover our true worth, and become "rich poor guys" together.

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