Friday, May 11, 2012

Study, Test, Sleep, Repeat

A quick little note... I have the most supportive family ever! I've been working toward becoming a financial adviser for the past month or two; going to the office, meeting people, and most of all... studying. I've spent every moment of free time at work when I'm not meeting with clients and what not, studying and taking practice tests. I get home and once the kids are in bed, I take more tests. I'm a practice test taking fool! Last night as I completed 4 more tests, I looked at how many questions I have answered over the past couple weeks. Out of 1621 total questions, I only have 372 questions that I have not seen yet. That's a lot of questions! I have got to the point where in my dreams, I am either discussing, testing, or studying about the Series 6 license.

A little on why I have to get all these licenses. I currently have my life and health insurance license, so I can sell those types of insurances. In order to do the financial work that I love, I have to receive licenses to set up accounts, sell securities and so forth. As I've studied and read, I'm quickly learning that the people who write these exams treat things like a club. They make the test as hard as possible in order to keep as many people out as they can. Suffice it to say, they are brutal tests with lots of circular language and tricksy tactics. I've actually taken this test once already, and failed it. I missed the passing mark by 6 questions, 6! Needless to say, I felt like jumping off a bridge that day. With that previous failure, I had to wait for 30 days before I could schedule my test again. That sucked in more ways than one. I mentioned that I've been working every day, meeting with people, gaining clients etc. Well, I love it to death, it's the greatest profession for me. The one kicker though, is that I can't get paid until I have my Series 6 license. Some of you may know that I've been unemployed since January (I'll have a post on that another day). Funds are tight to say the least.

With my previous failure of this test, the heat gets ratcheted up even more. You see, if I were to fail it a second time (I wont), I would not be able to schedule another test for 6 months. So you can imagine the mental game that goes along with my preparations this time. I know this is what I'm supposed to do. I have received the greatest fulfillment from this job so far than I ever have in any other job I've had. I love helping people. I've felt my whole life that I need to help people, and that I'm good at doing that. I have to tell you all, that I love sitting in people's homes talking. Talking about anything really. I've loved talking to people about their goals, their worries, and what is important to them. I love helping people plan. This job provides me with every one of those opportunities, and more.

Well, this "quick little note" became an epistle of sorts. Let me close by saying that my family rocks! Liselle is so great for being patient with me, and supporting me. I know I haven't been 100% there mentally when I'm at home because I've become obsessed with passing this test. I'd like to publicly apologize to her for that now. I'm sure she has asked me many things, or mentioned plans to me, and I've not heard them because of my pre-occupation with this test. I was told long ago that there would be times where I would be studying and working instead of enjoying some of the frills of the world. I truly believe that time is right now especially. I've missed the first few games of my softball league with my good friends. I've elected to study instead of playing my guitar. I've done a lot of those little things lately, but know that I will be able to enjoy them again soon. To any and all who read this, I'm here to help you. You are all in my life because of your goodness, and I'd love to help you in any way I can. Whether it's a visit over lunch, spending time with our families, or discussing your financial goals and concerns, I'm here for you!

1 comment:

  1. Nic - you are one amazing husband, father and friend! We have included you in everyone of our family and personal prayers!

    We are praying that you recall the test questions you have already seen and that the answers come clear and without struggle.

    I will say your wife is amazing as well! Can I adopt her as my sister? She is wonderful inside and out.

    Your family will reap 10 fold once you overcome this "hump" and when you look back it will become a spec on the road to success!

    Thanks for being such an amazing friend! Every time we have needed you . . . YOU are THERE! We so appreciate your love and support!

    I love your outlook on life! Keep smiling!
