Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11, 2001

Here is what I wrote in my Journal 11 years ago. I still feel the same today, but am glad that we have moved forward while honoring those who gave so much that day. I'm so grateful for the lessons I learned that day, and in the days following. I'm also grateful for a hero father who lives his life serving and helping everyone around him, and for an amazing mother who is the epitome of character, strength, and faith. To each of you, I thank you for the influence you have been in my life!

"The past few days have been days I will never forget. Today is Thursday the 13th of September. On Tuesday the 11th, I witnessed and experienced one of the most tragic and horrifying events to happen, ever, in US history. I was going to school at about 7:30am, I was flipping through the stations when I came across an abc news report on 103.1 fm. There were reports of explosions at the Pentagon and the World Trade Center in New York. There was much confusion and no one really knew what was going on. As time passed, about 5-10 minutes, things became a little bit more clear. Airplanes, passenger ones, had crashed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in a terrorist attack. Another plane was reported hijacked. I couldn't believe it. I had a little bit of a weird feeling when I woke up that day, but I didn't think anything of it. The WTC continued to burn and more reports were coming in. Sirens and screaming filled the airwaves. It was total chaos. Then, one of the towers collapsed. It fell completely to the ground, just like an implosion. All I could think of was how many people just died. I continued to listen with a horrible picture of destruction in my mind. I got to school and hurried to class because I was running a little late. When I got to my class building, the lobby was packed. One television was on and everyone was glued to it. We all watched in unbelief , hoping that it would all be ok. Then, the worst happened. The second tower collapsed. Everyone's eyes got wide, faces grew pale, and many gasped. Our hearts sank, and many began to cry. Time stood still. Classes were suspended for the day. I hurried home. I found the t.v. on and news reports flying in. I saw the first footage of the second plane actually crashing into the second tower. I just had a deep, empty feeling. The feeling hasn't fully left me yet. I think the initial shock has worn off, but I still feel a bit empty. The loss of life will be tremendous. For the remainder of the day, I found it nearly impossible to concentrate on anything at all. After my basketball work outs, I quickly returned home again. My whole family, except April, were glued to the t.v. I was drained physically and emotionally. The events of the day seemed to catch up with me. M dad, brother and I went to dinner. My dad and I were quite somber through all of dinner. As we left the restaurant, my dad turned the radio to a concert performed by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. They sang with the voices of angels. They finished one hymn, and began one of my favorite hymns, "I Know That My Redeemer Lives". As I listened to those sacred and beautiful words, the Spirit of the Lord touched my heart deeply. Tears filled my eyes and streamed down my face. The emotions of the day came out. The hymn really helped me to know that those who are gone, are with Him. It also reminded me of the knowledge and peace that the gospel brings. I gathered myself and wiped the tears from my face. I took my time going in to the house and got control of my feelings. I walked in the back door and right as I stepped inside, I began to cry uncontrollably. I ran to my room and jumped on my bed, burying my head in my pillows. One thing I remember about that is, as I lifted my head off my pillow, I saw the tear marks on my pillow and they showed the anguish in my eyes. It was amazing. We finished the day watching the news and praying for all those involved. September 11, 2001 will always be in my mind. It was a day America learned a lot about themselves. We grew closer as a people. Grown men cried at the images of terror, and a nation turned to God seeking for hope, comfort, and peace of mind. Whatever may come of this event, I hope that those responsible will suffer the consequences of their actions, and that we as a people will become more unified and loving towards one another. May the grace and love of God be with all those who mourn, and search of survivors. Good night."

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