Monday, April 1, 2013

Kids, House Issues, and a Lesson Learned

So it's been a while, far too long in fact, and I am full of many thoughts and feelings... First; my kids are so great! I've been struggling with the fact that many kids like to express themselves in a less than enjoyable tone. Simply put, they whine. I've been trying to focus on the good, polite things they do, and magnify them, but at times it feels like I'm bashing my head against a wall. I know it's a part of parenthood, but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with right now. After all is said and done, I love those little squirts to death!.

Some of you know about the issues we are having with our home, and the fact that several others are having similar issues. As this progressed into a widespread issue, I had a fear creep in, and now I'm beginning to see it come to pass. My fear was that as things progressed, and we found that there was nothing we could do to show liability on the builder or any outside party that was involved in the construction of this development, that we as residents would turn on each other. This issue is a major one to those of us effected. Many who don't have the issue feel sympathy for our plight, but that's about it. I don't blame them at all, I would be the same way if our roles were reversed. What I've come to see as we continue to peel back the layers and hit a dead end, or be told that there isn't anything at all that can be done outside of privately funding the repairs ourselves, is that we are starting to point fingers at each other. We can't go after the builder because we are well outside the statute of limitations. The city has immunity in the matter as well. The Geotech did an in depth analysis and gave his findings, but the ultimate decision doesn't fall with him. We don't qualify for any government grants because we are part of a townhome community with an HOA. Our HOA doesn't have any liability within their master plan because they only have to cover common areas, and homeowners are responsible for the structure. Insurance doesn't cover settling at all. The list goes on and on. So you can see where frustrations and anger could fester and explode. Unfortunately, I was involved in one. I wont go into details, but suffice it to say, feelings were hurt on both sides, and I never expect to hear from this individual again. Such is life.

With all of this stress and drama, we have been spurred into looking at our options for moving into the next phase of our lives. We are a growing family, and need more space. The problem lies with the fact that we would not be able to sell our home for what we want. We are lucky to not be upside down in our home, but with the issues, I have a strong feeling we couldn't sell it for what we would like. So that brings up the question, should we walk away? I don't really want to do that. I want out of the house, but not at that cost. Not yet anyway. Do we patch it up and rent? That's the most appealing option right now, but we don't know how extensive the "patching up" would need to be. Then we have to figure out where to go from here. My new job is awesome, but we've hit a lull financially the last month, and I don't have enough work history to go through new financing. So renting would be our best option right now. Where do you move a family of 5 that the kids are growing? Would there be any affordable options? These are the things that are flying around in my head.  

On the work side, I completely love what I do! I sit with individuals and families and help them out in many ways. If we haven't talked yet, we need to. Even if you have things already in place, we need to visit. Going from a salary to commission career is a neat experience. Lately things have been a little tight with finances, and I'm truly glad for it. Throughout my unemployment we never really felt the financial pinch too hard. Thanks to having a good amount of savings, a food order or two from the Bishop's Storehouse, and a little help on our mortgage one month, we made it through. Then came the season of financial "ka-ching!" that we hadn't experienced before.Thank goodness we were disciplined and didn't get things like a sweet new TV, or the new car I want to get. As assets dwindle, I have realized that we didn't focus on replenishing our emergency savings. That lead us to the lean times we now face, and has helped us plan to hedge against those times in the future. I don't anticipate those times again, but we will be better off for it. This is a season where I am fulfilling one of the things promised to me in my Patriarchal blessing: that there would be times where I would be studying and working instead of enjoying some of the frills of the world, but that I would have the means to provide for my family and to help others. This in no way means I haven't done business or anything like that, it's just been a lot of small things with no big things peppered in, but that was remedied 2 weeks ago.

Then there's my sweet Liselle. Always standing by my side in support, love, and kindness. Lis, I love you with all of my heart. I don't know what I did to fool you into loving me, but I'm sure glad I did. ;)

To all of you, I give thanks for your friendship, examples, and service. For those in our ward, this doesn't mean we are moving right away, but we are looking into it. There have been many years where we have had no desire to ever leave, but with recent events, that has changed. Next week marks our 7th year in this home. We have grown a lot, laughed too many times to count, cried, fell in love with our neighbors and ward (in a non-romantic way), forged friendships that will truly last, played music, made costumes, and a million other things that will stay with us forever. Who knows, maybe we're just experiencing the 7 year itch, but with our house. Onward and upward!

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